• Deonar Center: +91 9320056581
  • Turbhe Center: +91 9320056585
  • Panvel Center: +91 9320056589
  • Mon-Sat: 9am-4pm

Sponsor A Pet


Some animals are destined to spend their lives at our centers as they cannot be released or adopted. You can help us take care of these lovely animals by contributing towards their upkeep.



This lovely boy was rescued from a busy road some time ago. He had a bad wound near one eye. All healed now, he is one pleasant resident dog. Smiles a lot and has lovely yellow eyes to go with his handsome coat and fluffy tail. Waiting to be sponsored now. Sponsor Niko.....


This lovely little dog was found wandering along a road full of traffic. Our concerned staff decided to bring her to the Deonar Centre for safety and care. She is quite old but as sweet as sugar and simply loves everybody. Please sponsor her for a year and also come and meet her sometimes! Beta will be very happy to see you.


Meet Pasta the Prince of Deonar Centre. He came to us in the most strange way. He was thrown over the back wall by some miscreants. He was a few months old at the time. Now he is just over one year and always in the centre of things at Deonar. Pasta is always first in line to greet visitors and he is loved by one and all. You can become his sponsor and help us give him the best possible care. This lovely dog deserves the best.

Location: Deonar Centre


This sweet little dog was abandoned about a year ago near Dadar Station near a place about to go under construction. A poor family were kind enough to approach our Trustee Goodicia who then rescued her and brought her to safety in our Deonar Centre. Do help us care for our lovely little Chotti by sponsoring her.

Location: Deonar Centre


The handsome Dhanush suddenly met with an accident on the Highway Both the biker and the poor dog were injured, but instead of riding away, this good man called IDA and asked for help. He waited with Dhanush until the Van arrived and fed him biscuits and gave him water. Dhanush was really bad when he came to our Centre, but with specialised care and careful treatment, he has shown good signs of recovery. Just look at him! He is quite alert and now trying to use his back legs to walk and move about. He needs to be sponsored so he can get the best possible treatment. This lovely dog deserves all the help he can get.

Location: Deonar Centre


This lovely little dog was rescued by our Manager Krishna some months ago. He saw her struggling to walk on the road and brought her to the Centre where she can be safe and well cared for. Rosy has blossomed into a lovely little dog, in spite of her deformed front feet, who is very enthusiastic while playing with friends in the puppy pen and eating her fill at all meals You can help with her care and welfare also.

Location: Deonar Centre


This truly beautiful pup was rushed to our Deonar Centre in such a horrible condition. Someone had thrown boiling hot water on him and concerned slum dwellers found him running down the road, howling in pain. They immediately brought him to our Deonar Centre and emergency treatment started. His entire back and most of his legs were severely burnt. He was just a young pup, about five months old and was kept in the loving care of Asst Radha. Look at him now! He's so friendly and happy and waiting to be sponsored.

Location: Deonar Centre


Naughty was rescued by IDA India in 2015 as a tiny pup. Fortunately we were able to find foster care for her. It was from her foster home that she was adopted. Unfortunately, for some reason, her adoptive parents could not keep her and she came back to our Deonar Centre. She has since been in our care and is a friendly dog with many good friends at the Centre.

Location: Deonar Centre


This pretty girl came into our Deonar Centre as a pup when she was admitted as a patient in the Puppy Pen. When she recovered, after treatment, the person; who rescued her was nowhere to be found, so little Chanchal stayed at Deonar in our care. She is such a lovely little dog that we managed to get her adopted. But Chanchal loves the Centre so much that she played up until she was returned to us and her 'home'. Look at her now! She is the life and soul of the Resident Dog Ward, playful, happy, and healthy. Do sponsor her so that we can keep on taking good care of her and all her friends.

Location: Deonar Centre


Tarzan was brought in by the BMC Van as a pup of 3 months of age. He was in a critical condition having contracted gastroenteritis and was also fully dehydrated. It took a long time to bring the little chap back to good health. In fact it took so long that he soon became very much a part of Deonar Centre. Look at him now! He is almost three years old and looking good. He is one of the big boys in the Resident Ward and has lots of friends among the other dogs. Even our Ward Assistants are very fond of him. Let us know if you would like to sponsor Tarzan. Even if you cannot take a dog home, you will be helping us take good care of him at our Centre.

Location: Deonar Centre


Meet Sweety who was named after her lovely nature. She is one of the quiet and gentle dogs at the Centre. She is with us because she came in with a bad leg problem, which still gives her trouble. We decided to let her stay and many at the Centre are very happy about this. We try to take the best possible care of these innocent animals and this is where you come in. Sweety needs sponsors now to make her life comfortable and content.

Location: Deonar Centre


Meet Twinkle, the Princess of our Deonar Centre. She is serene, calm and simply beautiful. She has lovely green eyes. You can help us to look after this spectacular cat. Sponsor Twinkle....

Location: Deonar Centre


Loki is a lovely ginger boy who loves to run about the Centre and won't stay confined. He is full of mischief as well and very playful. He loves his food too! Help us to take care of this sweet boy. Sponsor Loki...

Location: Deonar Centre


Rani is mischievous and loves to play with any object she finds. She loves to run up trees as well! She comes racing over to the feeding area at mealtimes. Help us look after this naughty cat. Sponsor Rani...

Location: Deonar Centre


Our Sasha is one spectacular looking cat, with her beautiful yellow eyes and coat of many colours. Serene and quiet, she is a lovely part of our Deonar family. Sponsor Sasha....

Location: Deonar Centre


Honey with her beautiful markings and laid back attitude at all times, is one cool cat. She is dignified and strolls about the Centre in a stately fashion. She would love to be sponsored by you. Sponsor Honey...

Location: Deonar Centre


This handsome cat Sheru was struggling to survive on the streets. He was being attacked by other street cats and was rescued by a kind person. This man was very poor but really had a heart of gold. When he found it difficult to keep on looking after Sheru, he approached us and asked us to help. As Sheru had old eye injuries and the injuries cannot be cured, which we found out after sending him to an Eye Specialist, we decided to keep him at our Centre where he would be safe and cared for. Sheru has established himself very well in the Cat Ward. He has his own cot, keeps all the other cats in line and loves being pampered by humans.


The handsome Kalu was brought to our Center with a bad wound on the pelvic area. His rescuer, after bringing him into the OPD, dumped him there and ran away. Kalu was very aggressive at first, so he was kept in the OPD and had his meals there. He liked one spot - the top of the Electricity Board! After about 20 days, he made friends he made friends with the Office cat, but this was only through the OPD window! Now he is at home in both OPD and Office and very much a part of the IDA family. You can sponsor Kalu for Rs.2000 for a year.


Meet this charming little cat who we named Midnight. He came to us during the lockdown period courtesy the BMC. All BMC hospital cats were to be brought in for spay and neuter at our Deonar Centre. MIdnight was among them. They are still all our guests and by the looks of it they will stay with us. Midnight is enjoying the outdoors at Deonar Centre. He likes to stroll about the premises. Our mission now is to make him put on weight so he looks his truly beautiful self.

Location: Deonar Centre


Meet Frankie. He is from Diamond Garden area Chembur. Doesn't he look great and such a beautiful coat! He came in at Deonar Centre in November 2019, very badly injured with a huge gaping wound on his neck. This had affected his sight and he was completely blind. After intensive medical care and dressing for his wound, he slowly healed and to our amazement, he regained his sight, Now Frankie is part of the IDA India Deonar family very much at home with us.

Location: Deonar Centre


Yes you guessed it. This handsome cat is well named! He has got all his scars and bruises fighting other male cats during mating season. He is from Deonar Farm Road location and has come in for treatment at least 8 times! Finally our Manager decided to grant him residency at our Centre itself. So Romeo, now neutered and content, is spending lazy days at our Centre, enjoying himself strolling all over and inspecting the premises before he chooses the best spot for a day of relaxing. He's one of our cool cats.

Location: Deonar Centre


This very handsome male is named after the area he was rescued from,; Shivaji Nagar in Govandi.. He was brought in last year, 2017, as he had a horrible injury. In a few months, our Vets brought him back to good health but his rescuer could not be traced. Every since he has stayed at the Centre and now he would very much like to have Sponsors to help with his care. (Sponsor Shiva for Rs.1000/- for 6 months or Rs.2000/- for a year)

Location: Deonar


One of our most affectionate cats, Monty is full black and gorgeous. He also has one leg missing - that's why he came to our Centre. He was rescued from Shell Colony Chembur by a kind old lady in 2017, and brought in for treatment. He made a wonderful recovery from his wounds and has been in our Resident Cat Ward ever since. he lovely visitors and meeting people. Now he needs Sponsors.

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