• Deonar Center: +91 9320056581
  • Turbhe Center: +91 9320056585
  • Panvel Center: +91 9320056589
  • Mon-Sat: 9am-4pm

Guardian Angels

Please do be a partner in this wonderful work and sponsor a dog of your choice for just Rs.12,000/- a year.

All these dogs you are about to meet, were helpless on the street before they came to IDA. They all are elderly, abandoned, blind, have health problems, and/or are with special needs.

We believe that like our human companions they too deserve and have the right to live in safety and comfort. Their needs are simple, and they appreciate everything we do for them and if they are content, well fed, healthy and happy, we know we have done our job well.

With your kindness and generosity, you can make every bit of a difference in helping us help them.



I'm Ruby and I've been at our Deonar Centre for many years. Now I'm quite old so I have been shifted to this beautiful ward for the blind, old and paralysed dogs. Really like the open ward and the attached garden. That's me on the bench! Hope you choose to be my Guardian Angel. Then my happiness will be complete.


Hello. I'm Champa and I really like being in this lovely Centre at Deonar. I came here with my tiny pups. My caretaker had noticed that my eyes were troubling me and I couldn't see at all. She wanted me to be safe. I lost my little ones as they passed away one by one and that made me sad. But I am surrounded by good and kind people who really look after me and that makes me feel safe and happy. Now I badly need a Guardian Angel às this is so helpful in so many ways. Waiting for someone wonderful to chòose me. Don't make me wait too long!


Hi, I'm Bella and i'm a very good-looking high energy fun loving girl. I was brought to Deonar Centre by the Night Van, almost two years ago as I had a bad maggot wound and needed to be hospitalized until it healed. I was brought all the way from Sethia Nagar - Saki Naka, and I am very grateful that some kind person called the van to take me in for treatment.

I was having trouble seeing things on the road and I was a bit scared about this. It was during my stay here that the kind Doctors noticed that I had developed cataracts in both eyes. So here I am, happy and safe and well-fed and also loved. But I'll let you know a secret.

I'd just love to have a Guardian Angel all to myself and I hope it will be you.


My name is Alfie and I'm from a very nice area - Kalina University Campus. The BMC Van one day in July 2017, brought me to this lovely Centre for my ABC operation. But in the process, it was found out that I was going blind. My condition slowly became worse and now I can't see at all. Fortunately, I am at this Centre where us blind dogs are really cared for so well.

As soon as you chose me and become my Guardian Angel, my life will be happier still.


My name is Pari and I have come to stay at this very pleasant Centre just a few months ago. I'm from very close by - Lallubhai Compound, Govandi. I used to live in this location, but slowly I noticed that I couldn't see things very clearly, and in quite a short while, I discovered that I couldn't see anything at all. This was quite a problem as now I could only use my nose to locate food or water when I felt thirsty. The road I stayed on was also quite dangerous due to the traffic. Luckily, I had a good friend who arranged for me to come to the IDA India Deonar Centre. where I am now living a very good life, I must say. All comforts are provided and I really like the good food we get every day. I have made good friends in our special blind ward, and now I just need someone to make my life complete. That's you my dear future Guardian Angel!


Hi, I'm Sparkle, talking to you from the Blind Ward in IDA Deonar Centre. I'm only four years old, but I'm here because both my eyes are damaged and I can't see at all. Luckily I was picked up by the BMC Van and brought here and I'm really happy that I am in this lovely place. Already I have been sent to the Eye Doctor who has prescribed medicines to help my eye condition. The people here are so kind and I've made many friends already.

My dear new Caretakers need lots of help looking after me. So as for me, I'm just waiting for a Guardian Angel who can help them do just that!


Before I came to this nice Centre, I did not have a name. But here I was named Pasta - which I quite like. Everyone calls me this, and I love hearing my name! You see, I'm blind, even though I am not yet two years old. A kind lady in my Chembur location noticed my condition and brought me here. It's just wonderful and now I'm safe, well-fed and have lots of friends. I even got an appointment with the Eye Specialistlike all the other blind dogs. We are helped in so many ways.

Now all I need is a sweet Guardian Angel to help out with my care. Waiting for you!


My name is Patchy and I'm from the L & T area in Powai. I was very active and adventurous when I was younger but I noticed recently that slowly I was having difficulty seeing things. Thankfully Anu who works at the IDA hospital, noticed and got me brought to this very nice Centre. I must say I'm finding things very pleasant; the accommodation, the food and especially the kind people who are looking after me. Now I need a Guardian Angel to help take care of my needs.

Waiting for you to choose me.


Hello everybody. I'm a little old lady from Chunabhatti where I used to live under the flyover. My sweet young friend Nandini used to take care of me but then she shifted away from there. But she took good care to get someone else to take care of me. She contacted IDA India and now I am safe, secure and comfortable at the Deonar Center. You see I'm very old but I'm also blind...I really need someone to take care of me. I like my new home and all the kind people around me. I get hot meals twice a day. Love that!!
Now I need a Guardian Angel to help with my care. All my new friends have one. Will you choose me? Thanks so much.


Nice to meet you all. My name is Pintu and I am from very close by. I used to stay very near this nice Centre. I'm quite young but I can't see at all now, don't know why. My friends brought me in for treatment and I'm glad to say, I've already visited the Eye Specialist. I might have an operation after which I'll be able to see! Just imagine! I really need a Guardian Angel to help my dear Caretakers take good care of me and all my needs Just waiting for you to choose me!


I'm quite a young dog but I've got terrible problems with my eyes. A kind girl brought me here as I was having difficulty living on the road. I was sent for an appointment and my treatment is going on. But I really love it here, everybody is so kind....and the food is good too!! That's me, relaxing in the chair in our small garden. Now I'd just love to have a Guardian Angel like the rest of the blind dogs.


I was living on the road in Mankhurd, but slowly something started happening to my eyes. I couldn't see very well and it slowly became worse and worse. Luckily a man who works at Deonar IDA Centre, noticed my condition. Now I am at the Centre and I'm comfortable, safe and really well fed. My room is nice, cots to sleep on and tasty meals every day. I like the company too. The people here are nice and kind. I just need a Guardian Angel to make my life complete.


I'm called Allie and I'm quite a mischievous, naughty dog. I was brought to Deonar by a caring person when I was badly in need of surgery. I lost my back leg. (I'm okay with the remaining three!) In addition, I'm blind In one eye and have a cataract in the other. So here I am in the blind ward at Deonar IDA Centre. I play as much as I like (and annoy the oldies I'm housed with!)
Do be my Guardian Angel. I really need a special person to care for me. Thanks in advance!


I'm a very old girl and actually I can see! But thankfully I'm now in the lovely Blind Ward at our Centre. I get lots of attention and meet the kind staff and Doctors every day. Really love my meals and my daily trip to the adjoining garden for a sit down in the Sun. Bliss!! Now all I need is a Guardian Angel; that special person who will help with all my needs and care.


Hi. I'm fondly known as Pinky for some reason. .Love staying at our Deonar Centre. I had lost the use of my legs, but with lots of good treatment I can now walk!! So I'm a free bird, allowed to. walk about in the open area in the Sun. The exercise is very good for me. As I am very old, I need a lot of care. Do consider being my Guardian Angel - it would really help.

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