IDA India firmly believe that to help animals, the staff handling them have to be healthy and happy. Most of the drivers, dog catchers and wardboys belong to the vulnerable sections of society, and work at the centers to make a living. Over a period of time they all start liking their work, appreciate what is expected of them, love the animals they are handling, and perform their duties with dedication, as we support them in the following ways:
- To help the staff in their personal lives, IDA India decided to support the education of their children. Few years ago, two active supporters of IDA-India, donated a sum of Rs. 2,00,000, to set up a Corpus for education of children of the staff. The annual income received from this Corpus, was supporting the education of the school and college going children of our employees; up to Rs. 4,000 per child, after due procedures were followed. With increase in our staff, the support given to these children has increased and the shortfall is thus chipped in by IDA India.
- The staff is also supported by giving loans to meet their financial needs like repairs to houses, illness in the family, and so on. This support is essential to ensure that they do not get trapped by unscrupulous money lenders.
- Since they all work in trying conditions at our centers, IDA India has also initiated a scheme for their regular health check up?s and further medical assistance for those who need it.